We are a group of technologists, technicians, and strategists, all focused on delivering solutions that will amaze our customers

Chi Yang Lin, MSc
CEO & Chairman

In his career, Chi Yang has had extensive experience leading large engineering teams developing telecommunication technologies for technology companies such as Acer, CISCO, Samsung, and VIA Technologies. Chi Yang also holds a Master of Science and is a frequent panel speaker at many Internet of Things conferences.

James Young, MSc Computer Science
CIO & Director

James is an experienced executive who spent 10 years with Xerox as a Management Information System Director. His vast experience in hardware and software led him to help start a fingerprint technology company, which was acquired.

David Hsu, BASc, MBA, PhD Candidate

David Hsu is a veteran in Taiwan's tech hub with 18 years of experience in technology management & commercialization in the Industrial Technology Research Institute. He is currently the CEO of the National Chiao Tung University Incubation Center where he oversees technology commercialization from incubated companies. David was also an entrepreneur that founded two tech companies in his career.

Arnold Wu, MSc Computer Science
Software VP & Director

Arnold has 18 years of experience in developing embedded systems and computer architecture technologies. Throughout his career, he has lead teams of engineers to deliver embedded system solutions to Acer and Microsoft and also held management positions for a laptop security tech company.

 AStar Design Service Technologies Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved 2017
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